Memorial tribute from Denise at Dad's funeral 20th April 2011

Our dad was a very special man. He had many qualities. He was hardworking, intelligent, honest, generous, loyal and sincere and I have many happy memories of time spent with him throughout my life. Taking me to swimming lessons at 8am on a Saturday morning, teaching me to ride a bike, dancing around the room whilst I stood on his feet, going for long walks to the park and feeding the ducks, the list is endless. As children, we had many trips to the theatre and cinema and day trips into London to see the sites and had wonderful memorable holidays every year. In my later teenage years, when I came home after being out for the evening, dad would always be sitting at the dining room table, usually working and I would put the kettle on and make us both a cup of tea. We would spend time chatting about my day and dad was always genuinely interested. I would ask for advice if something was bothering me and he was always willing to listen and never made me feel like I was interrupting him or stopping him from working. He always had time for his family and it is those moments that I will really treasure. In later years when Karen and I both had our families, dad took us all away abroad on holiday on several occasions and there are many treasured memories from those times for all of us, that will never ever fade and I’m extremely thankful that dad was able to be with us when I married Gary in November 2009 and that he finally got to see me happy and join in the celebration with all of the family. Dad’s life was his family. He loved all of the grandchildren so much and they gave back as much love, if not more in return. My girls always looked forward to him coming round and would sit at the window waiting for his car to turn the corner and our dog Barney was always so excited to see him as dad would often come out on long walks with him and play with him in the garden for hours. I admired him because of the kind of dad he was to Karen and I. He loved us very much and instilled in us core values that defined who he was and they have made both Karen and I what we have become today. He always made you feel that you could do and be anything you wanted and always encouraged, gave advice and helped wherever he could. He was a man who kept promises, always honoured commitment and was a man of integrity. I’m extremely proud to have had him as our dad. I will always love him, the memories I will treasure forever and there is a very special place in my heart for him. He will be deeply and sincerely missed by us all and his passing has left a huge hole in our family that will never be filled. I love you dad.